About Dr Susan L Williams DQC Cl-Hyp

Dr Sue Williams DQC is a passionate horse rider, devoted mother, and proud grandmother. Beyond these roles, she is deeply committed to making a difference in people's lives through the incredible power of natural therapies.


Sue's journey into the world of holistic healing began years ago, fuelled by a desire to explore alternative approaches to health and wellness. Today, she is a multifaceted practitioner, specializing in various modalities such as Clinical Hypnotherapy, Quantum Journeys Hypnosis, NLP, a Diploma of Sports Psychology, life coaching, and more.


With a Doctorate in Quantum Counseling, Sue has dedicated herself to mastering techniques that harness the body's innate ability to heal and thrive. One aspect of Sue's practice that she is particularly excited about is bioenergetics, where she utilizes cutting-edge technology like NES Health scans and infoceuticals to assess and rebalance the body's energy systems.


Whether it's for humans, horses, dogs, or cats, her goal is to optimize well-being and vitality on all levels.